As the team leader, I am responsible for assembling the group before showtime and making necessary decisions. Ensuring that all team members, including myself, attend the Meta Feud event is crucial to avoid disqualification.
Team Player Responsibilities
As a team player, I will arrive at least 15 minutes before showtime. Each player is responsible for making their way to Meta Feud Horizon World; this is not the event planner's obligation. Additionally, I should remain engaged throughout the event and never put my hands or controller down.
Disqualification Criteria
The player will be disqualified if they fail to attend the Meta Feud event on the scheduled date. Furthermore, any team member seen participating in a party chat or seeking answers during the event will result in team disqualification.
Knowledge and Consent
I understand that this event is being live-streamed, edited, and distributed across multiple social media platforms. I give my permission for this.
Meta-feud or Seemebro LLC is not responsible for any actions or events that occur outside of the game. The game is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a basis for any real-world decisions or actions. By using this game, you agree to release Meta-feud or Seemebro LLC from any and all liability related to your use of the game. This policy applies to all editions of the game, including Horizon World or META."