Next week the jump button will be moved to the A button in Horizon worlds

Meta Horizon Worlds is making some improvements to the default controls in the Worlds platform. The goal is to make it easier for players to join new worlds and get right into the fun, without needing to readjust and learn new controls each time they world hop. The default controls will be updated for all players to make this possible.


Specifically, the Jump button will be moved to A and new remapping options will be added in the User Settings for players who prefer jumping with the Right Thumbstick. The company is also working on improving Avatar’s interaction with and movement in their environments, including sliding, movement, throwing, and more.


These changes will be implemented in the v94 release notes, which will be released next week. The jump button will still be moved to the A button, but the toggle for sprinting will be kept. Additionally, the company is exploring the possibility of adding B, X, Y, and Right Thumbstick Press as individually scriptable inputs.

    To create a new world:   1. Turn over your left wrist and select the Three Line icon.   2. …

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Meta Horizon Worlds is making some improvements to the default controls in the Worlds platform. The goal is to make it easier …

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Hey! Today, we’re going to learn how to import your first object into Meta Horizon. For this tutorial, we’ll keep it simple—we’re only going to import an avatar object and add a texture to it. This is the process you’ll need to follow to import your first object into Meta Horizon.


Meta-feud or Seemebro LLC is not responsible for any actions or events that occur outside of the game. The game is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a basis for any real-world decisions or actions. By using this game, you agree to release Meta-feud or Seemebro LLC from any and all liability related to your use of the game. This policy applies to all editions of the game, including Horizon World or META."